Monday, October 7, 2013

Another humid day in paradise. Is it really paradise?  I guess with all the traffic today it must be.
Today I saw four ultrasounds of babies from 2.5 weeks to 12 weeks.  I really enjoy my time there but I feel guilty sometimes for spending half my day there.  I should be home cleaning or the dusting that needs to be done. I keep remembering what Father said one time.  " What are you doing in your daily life for the greater good of God's creation or Kingdom."  Just when I want to walk away to free up that time, I feel that little tug from God showing me why he wants me there.

Enough of that!  I am tired of standing and handing stuff to my son for the tile for the master bath but it will be worth it in the end.  I
want it back to normal.  But hey on the brighter side I don't have to mop that floor this week! Or even clean the toilet either as it is sitting in the tub! And I don't have to scrub the tub as it has a toilet in it!  Wow, I change my mind. This tile thing is not so bad!

I need a vacation, as I was spoiled for years of camping etc. Something to look forward to, even if it is not til summer.  But what to do. The kids and I are going to go camping sometime soon in our new tent.  How did I go from motorhome to tent? I can answer that but that would be to much typing.  I so miss the freedom feeling camping gives you.  I love all the nature stuff, solitude, closeness of family and friends, meeting new and unusual people, and the new experiences that you get which usually end up as a new story to tell like the "camping trip from hell".  Going new places and having all your personal things with you.  That cozy feeling of your home away from home.  Maybe someday. What was a reality is now my dream.  But all is not lost. I always did feel a little silly "cheater camping" in a travel trailer or motorhome.  The comments you get like" Oh that's not real camping".  And it's true......but it sure was nice crawling into my comfy bed, clean, close toilet, and my water in the fridge. Maybe I will like the tent camping thing....Which I  will need to get use to if I ever live out another dream of hiking the AT (sections).  But that's another story....

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays.  But decorating a new home is frustrating and I wish I had the money to get some simple, easy decorations that fit this home. The kids love the decorating and getting out the box of costumes we've had for years.  Although with our move six months ago, I must say that I quietly got rid of a lot of holiday "junk".  I love to decorate for holidays from Christmas to Labor day etc, but I am now preferring to keep it simple but fun.